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Other Chemical Vapor Deposition Equipment

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Item IDItem DescriptionDescription#PriceNotes Location
228260 AMAT AKT 0244-74553Gen 5 15K Susceptor - 1200X1600 - New 2 F* Scotia, New York
228247 AMAT AKT 0244-74553 REV.2Gen 5 15K Susceptor - 1200X1600 - New 2 Scotia, New York
228261 AMAT AKT 0244-74554 REV.3Gen 6 25K Susceptor - 1500X1850 - New 2 Scotia, New York
229902 AMAT AKT 0690-01681Clamp - New, Never Used 1 Scotia, New York
228193 AMAT AKT AKT 15 KGen 5 PEVCD Chamber - New 5 F* Scotia, New York
228194 AMAT AKT AKT 25 KGen 6 PEVCD Chamber - New 5 F* Scotia, New York
228262 AMAT AKT N/AFixture Diffuser Lifting 25KAXI 2 F* Scotia, New York
225959 Applied Materials Storage Elevator -- 4" 1 Scotia, New York
251069 Applied Materials P5000P5000 3 Chamber System with 2 1 Singapore
229925 APPLIED MATERIALS AMAT 0690-01681 CLAMP FLG SGL-CLAW NW160,200Clamp - New, Never Used 1 Scotia, New York
207177 Dockweiler Chemicals 20000Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger for Bubbler 1 Scotia, New York
207176 Dockweiler Chemicals 8000Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger for Bubbler 1 Scotia, New York
115857 HFCVD System for CVD Diamond and Related MaterialsHFCVD Deposition System 1 F* Leominster, Massachusetts
219675 LAM Research Corp. Vector ExpressAshable Hard Mask CVD 1 Malta, New York
223074 Novellus Systems Concept Two SPEED 1 Dresden, Saxony

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Other Chemical Vapor Deposition Equipment:
Applied Materials AKT, Applied Materials, Inc., Dockweiler Chemicals, LAM Research Corp., Novellus Systems